By Steven Barasch:
It can be easy to feel like there’s a lot on your plate — and that’s if you just manage to keep it all together. When those overwhelming feelings are
Life can be hard, and there’s always going to be a lot of pressure and overwhelming feelings. Having so much on your plate and feeling overwhelmed most people will say it’s “completely normal”. It doesn’t quite help or solve anything as you are bombarded from all sides and spinning out of control. There is a little secret to it though. As human beings (which I assume most of you are) our lives go from being in control to out of control all the time. You can be rest assured that when you have it in control it will soon go out of control. When it’s out of control take comfort that you will soon have it in control again. It’s a Ying and Yang yoyo ride. Manual pdf No matter how much pressure you feel or how hard life seems to be, there are some solutions to regaining control.
The Whitewater Rafting Experience
I was on the New River with a couple of friends for a day long whitewater rafting adventure. the raft held 8 people including the guide who was the main rudder. The four others we had never met before. I was designated as the backup rudder positioned on the rear left or right side depending on where the guide needed to be. Shooting through one set of rapids I was thrown out of the raft. Manual pdf I was overwhelmed with panic and fear and that was before I hit the water. In the water I went into survival mode instantaneously. I remembered the brief training we had before the trip to get my feet forward so at least I could cushion myself and propel off any rocks. Better than having my head impaled into the rock, right? As the seconds progressed, I discovered that if I moved my shoulders slightly right or left, I could navigate somewhat and miss the rocks entirely. Manual pdf I went from being completely out of control and overwhelmed with panic and fear to being in control in a matter of seconds. Those seconds by the way seemed like hours. Applying the experience to other areas of life I learned this: What is out of control will soon be in control. What’s in control will soon be out of control. How it’s dealt with is the key.
Learn to Deal with the Pressure
The important thing is to find what works for you and do it as often as possible. It might be journaling, meditating, creating, doing something you’re really passionate about, or taking a break from your normal schedule and doing something completely different. Whatever it is, find a way to deal with the pressure and overwhelm so you can feel more in control.
Talk To Someone You Trust
When you feel like you’re going insane or that you need to talk, call your parents, a friend, a counselor, or your pastor. Or talk to a friend while they’re on the phone with someone else. Talking out your frustrations and answers is a great way to relieve some of the pressure and overwhelm. Having someone you trust and can talk to can make all the difference.
Take a Break
Sometimes, taking a break from our normal schedule and doing something completely different is exactly what we need to get our brains back on track. If you’ve been feeling pressure and overwhelming feelings all week, just take some time off. Go do something you love, take a bubble bath, or go see a movie. Having a break from your normal routine will give you a chance to rest, relax, and get your brain back on track.
Eat Healthy and Get Enough Sleep
Sometimes, eating healthy and getting enough sleep is a way to deal with the pressure and overwhelm. If you’ve been working all day and haven’t eaten properly for a few days, or if you haven’t gotten enough sleep for a while, you might be feeling overwhelmed and pressured. Eating balanced meals, getting enough sleep, and taking breaks from your normal schedule can help relieve some of these feelings.
Exercise and Do Something You’re Good At
Sometimes, the best way to deal with the pressure and overwhelming feelings is to find something you’re good at and do it every day. If it’s something you love to do, it will help relieve the pressure and overwhelm so much faster. Try to make it a daily routine so you don’t have to think about it. It could be anything from playing an instrument to volunteering at a charity. It doesn’t matter what it is, the important thing is to find something you’re good at.
Find a Supportive Partner or Friend
If you’re feeling pressure and overwhelm, you might want to find a supportive friend or partner. It doesn’t have to be someone you’re dating, either. It could be a friend you see at lunch, or a friend you see at a coffee shop, or a friend you meet at the gym. Having someone to talk to and vent can help relieve some of the pressure.
Understand That Life is Hard and There’s Always Going to Be Pressure and Overwhelming Feelings
If you really want to deal with the pressure and overwhelming feelings, you need to remember that life is hard. No matter how well you do things, there will always be pressure and overwhelming feelings. Once you accept this, you can start to deal with them.
Summing up
Whether it’s journaling, talking to a friend, taking a break, eating healthy, exercising, and doing something you’re good at, there are tons of ways to deal with the pressure and overwhelming feelings. You just need to find what works best for you. Remember, no matter how much pressure you feel or how hard life seems to be, you can always do something about it including going whitewater rafting.
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