Home Travel How to Pack for a Long Flight
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How to Pack for a Long Flight

by Steve Barasch

When you’re about to board a flight, it’s always great to have a bunch of comfort items on hand for a smooth journey. Especially for a long flight. If you’re flying for the first time, or just want to be proactive about your in-flight experience, here are some essential items that will make your flight more comfortable and enjoyable! Here are some tips on how to pack for a long flight. 

Identify Your Needs

One of the first things you need to do when preparing for a flight is identify your needs. Will you be traveling with a family? Do you want to pack light and avoid checking a bag? Do you want entertainment on the plane?

The best way to figure this out is to review the airline’s website. They’ll tell you what items are restricted from being carried on, as well as any special instructions for packing. Once you’ve reviewed all that, then it’s time to start thinking about what items might come in handy for various situations.

What to Wear on the Plane

If you’re not sure what to wear on the plane, there are a few things to remember. First, wear layers. Planes get cold and warm quickly and you’ll want to have a variety of clothes in your carry-on bag. Try layering with a light layer first like a t-shirt or blazer, followed by the heavier layers like sweaters and a hoodie. This way you can take off the lighter layers if it’s too warm and put them back on if it gets cold. It might be difficult at first but don’t forget about layering!

Second, don’t forget your shoes! You may want to pack some flats or comfortable shoes that won’t give your feet any trouble when you walk around the airport or on most planes.

Finally, one other essential is comfortable undergarments that won’t add any irritation to sensitive areas. Some people find that wearing cotton underwear helps keep them feeling fresh while they travel around all day long!

The Essentials for a Long Flight

-Carry-on bag with plenty of room for all your items.

-Snacks and drinks for throughout the flight. That doesn’t mean pack a lunch. Getting through TSA with food and drinks is probably a no-no. Once you get through screening you can buy a variety of snacks at some of the outlets near your boarding area. Unfortunately, the prices are at a premium. Almost price gouging in my mind.

-Comfortable attire for boarding, flying, and disembarking as previously mentioned.

-A noise cancelling headset or earplugs if you’re sensitive to noise.

-Medications like ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or Dramamine for in case of motion sickness.

Noise Cancelling Headphones

Noise cancelling headphones will not only make your flight more enjoyable, but also help you get some sleep. Planes are loud and can be very difficult to sleep in while they’re taking off or landing. An added bonus is that these headphones will also help drown out any crying babies around you!

Depending on the length of the flight, you may have an onboard entertainment system available. They usually feature movies and music and channels. Don’t assume it is Bluetooth compatible. Make sure your headphones have a 3.5m jack. You’ll need a cord to plug into your headphone jack and a special adapter to plug in the plane’s audio system. Otherwise, you’ll be forced to use the cheap flimsy headphones the airline has. The adapters are cheap, like 5 bucks on Amazon. The same with the cord to plug into the adapter to your headphones.

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Long Flight

Neck Pillow and Blanket for the Long Flight

A neck pillow and blanket are two of the most essential items to pack for a flight. A neck pillow is perfect to have if you need some extra support while you sleep, like when there’s turbulence on the plane. A blanket will also be useful if you’re cold or want to cover up a bit as well. Check with your airline if they offer onboard blankets. If not, make sure you can fit it into your carry-on. Some airlines consider a blanket as an extra carry-on. Southwest is one example of one who does.

There are plenty of travel-friendly options for both these items that fold down into small sizes–they won’t take up much space in your carry-on bag!

Seat Back Organizer

Another item on our list is a seat back organizer. This is an excellent idea for those of you who don’t have control over the space in your seat! You can use a seat back organizer to store snacks, headphones, or a laptop. It will also help you keep your things together and within easy reach. This is especially good for keeping your kid’s things within reach.

Tablet or E-Reader the best for a Long Flight

A tablet or e-reader can be a lifesaver if you’re sitting in the middle seat with someone next to you who insists on talking to you the entire flight. If you’re feeling antsy and want to do something other than talk, then pulling out your tablet or e-reader is the perfect way to pass the time. It’s also a great idea for a child who needs some entertainment during the flight. 

This article might interest you as well: How to Get Upgrades on Airline Flights – DirectChallenges.com

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