“I had just finished my first set at “TRAX”(showcase for Rolling Stones Records) and speaking with my manager James Karnbach, Mick Jagger, Jerry Hall etc. I looked out the corner of my eye onto the stage and saw Keith Richards looking at my Les Paul jr. He looked at me, picked it up and ran out the club, and jumped into his limo and drove off ” – Leon Matthews, aka Neon Leon/King Lion- New York City Babylon
“We were the warm act for The 1910 Fruitgum Company on Steel Pier, Atlantic City, New Jersey. As we were leaving the stage, the announcer came out introducing them to a screaming crowd of teeny boppers. From the side of the stage the entire band raised their middle finger shouting ‘”fuck you” to the announcer, then towards the crowd.” – Michael (Marino) Marchese
“In 1971 we filled a kiddie pool with Cap’n Crunch and KY Jelly. That took a lot of work. Maybe some groupies rolled around in it. I don’t know. I went to sleep.” – Keith Richards buzzfeed.com
“We were playing at a club in Somers Point, NJ called Mothers. Before we went on the whole band smoked some very heavy weed. First song was ‘It’s Only Rock and Roll’ (Rolling Stones) and after the intro we just stopped playing looking at each other totally confused, lost, and stoned and walked off the stage” – Johnny Nytreuax
“The whole band including me were tripping our brains out. During a forty-five-minute version of ‘Season of the Witch’ (Donavan), the band went into a ‘Who destruction act’ kicking over amps, pulling strings off their guitars, knocking over cymbal stands and throwing whatever wasn’t nailed down across the stage. Went on for at least an hour. Problem was it wasn’t our equipment. When they started ripping the cords out of the PA system I had to act. Already on the side of the stage, I moved toward the main power switch of the stage, an old Frankenstein style lever and slammed it to the OFF position. The silence was deafening scaring the shit out of me sending me into a deep state of ‘What Have I Done?’ LSD induced paranoia.” –Steve Barasch (Manager Treetop Vigil)